Monday, December 12, 2011

How do I use properties of similar triangles to solve geometric problems?

pythagoreanThe Pythagrean therom includes, C= hypotenuse which is also known as the longest side and is always on the opposite side of the right angle. There are many types of theroms such as of course the pythagrean therom, phythagrean therom converse, acute triangle therom, and the obtuse triangle theorm. An example of an acute triangle would be if C squared is less than A squared plus B squared. And and example of the obtuse triangle therom wuld be if C squared is greater than A squared plus B squared. In any right triangle, the area of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares whose sides are the two legs. The equation is c2 (squared)= a2 (squared)+ b2 (squared). A and B should be the shortest sides and C should be the longest.  

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